Meet The Team: Danny Stewart

We started with Woody our camper/counselor extraordinaire and now we are on to the man who keeps camp running, Danny Stewart! If you are just plugging in, this is our new Meet The Team blog series. Read our first post on Woody Noland here.

Danny Stewart is our Facilities Manager, Tractor Driver, Cabin Designer, Mr. Fix-it, and so much more. If you are looking for the most important person keeping camp running, look no further. During the summer Danny is fixing cabin screens, clogged showers, and cutting grass. During the winter he is designing new cabins, coming up with creative solutions, and generally running the show! Since Danny has joined our team, camp has never looked better. We won’t give too much away but he has a few new projects this winter. Lookout for blog posts and our Camp Newsletter this spring for more details. 

Position: Facilities Manager

Years Worked: 16

How did you learn about and starting working at Camp High Rocks?: My wife, Jill, and I’s children played together with Mark and Benjamin Birdsong. And with Boy Scouts. (Little known fact about Danny: He was a Boy Scout Troop Leader with Hank!)

What does your day-to-day role look like in the off-season?: Updating the buildings and grounds for next summer.

Favorite Camp Food: Chicken Fingers

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?: Being with family. (Including his wonderful dog, Harvey.)

Team Barley, Team Tsali, or Team Harvey?: Well, Harvey loves to interact with everybody with a ball and loves the Lumberyard District.

Harvey with his favorite tennis ball

Why Camp High Rocks?: The staff and the campers can be themselves without criticism and have a space to relax.

A perfect camp day would include?: Seeing what is for lunch!

And that is a wrap for Danny! Without out him leading our Maintenance Team, camp surely would have a lot more broken toilets. (He says he has replaced 32 camp toilets – a new record!) All jokes aside, Danny is the power behind keeping camp clean, beautiful, and running smoothly. Stay tuned for our next feature on Don Gentle!