Comfortably Uncomfortable


It almost felt like camp was beginning the work week after such a relaxing Sunday.  It was a busy morning with rock climbing, canoeing, and hiking all eating early to get out of camp for an all-day adventure. We jumped right into assembly and activities. 

Speaking of adventure, I thought I would share a little information I was using during our staff training. Adventure is such a key component of a healthy young man’s life. Boys need to have a sense of at least “perceived” risk. Exposure to healthy risks, particularly physical, enables children to experience fear, learn the strengths and limitations of their own bodies, and flirt with uncertainty. Research shows such play is associated with increased physical activity, social skills, risk management skills, resilience, and self-confidence. In today’s world, it’s no wonder that the simulated risk of computer games is so compelling and addictive.  The real world seems rather tame and even boring in comparison. A summer camp experience like High Rocks adds a lot of guided adventure to help these boys feel the thrill and even a little fear. As humans we are designed to experience a little fear – manage it out of our lives and boys will seek it elsewhere. This could be on the internet or even with self-destructive behavior.  High Rocks keeps it fun, safe, and just at the right level of comfortably uncomfortable. That is my “kids need camp” moment for the day. I hope it makes sense.

Like most of the country, we are heating up here at High Rocks.  While that is true, it only hit 86 degrees today.  Life at 3000 feet has advantages.  We still enjoyed a low of 61 degrees last night. We will continue the warming trend this week.  The boys enjoyed a late afternoon Gatorade moment to be sure we were keeping them hydrated and ready for the heat. We will likely see more of those this week as well.

The boys are enjoying the time on the lake this week!  Our all-day hike that went to Panthertown in Nantahala National Forest also enjoyed some time in the natural pools as part of their adventure.  What a great treat for a hiking trip!

Tonight, the age groups continued their normal routine of activities. Age group 3 was on the soccer field playing some three-way soccer. Age group 5 was in the gym for dodgeball. Age group 1 was playing games on the activity field. Age group 4 had capture the flag on the cabin field. Finally, age group 2 was on the lake for canoe fill-ups.

It is not too early to start thinking about next summer.  If you have friends that may be interested, the summer is THE best time to see camp in all its glory. If you time it right while all the boys are out in their activities, prospective families can speak with the staff and campers as they move around High Rocks to see how our community runs. It is a great experience. Spread the word! Here is the tour sign-up link.  You can also just give us a call to schedule a tour.

Have a great night!


Today’s Pictures