You Can't Do This at Home

It is that time of the session when everyone is trying to squeeze out that last bit of joy from camp.  You can see it in the activities, the cabin, and even during the evening program.  The boys know the time is drawing near and there are only a few days left.  This time of the July session is particularly busy.  There are so many opportunities not only in activities but for other special events too!

While the trips were still happening out of camp, the special events in camp are a really big deal. We have one more round of the camper-counselor tennis tournament that needs to be played before the finals.  The final game is a big deal and will happen on Friday after the equestrian program has their Drill Team Show.

The big event this afternoon was the soccer match. Anyone that wanted to play could sign up.  The first half was age groups 1 through 3.  We had commentary, fans, and even a half time show (check out the worm wars in the pictures).  The second half was age groups four, five and, six. Again, lots of fun.  There was gatorade, heckling, and even a real referee.  All sorts of staff jumped in to play as well.  What a blast!

Today's Lesson

We are definitely in the “norming” part of our group process here at camp. The boys have learned how to work together, accept differences, and even realize that from time to time we all need help. Leaders are not always out in front, sometimes they need to let others earn their wings.  These boys surprise me every day with their thoughtfulness and their skill.  This immersion has created something new in these young men that we hope you will see at home.  I heard a second-year boy explain how there are just so many great things at camp every day that you can never be bored. It is all part of this 28-day expedition we call camp. Now these Mini men are also experiencing a lot of growth. Even these two weeks will have an interesting result.  Part of it will be hanging with these four week boys for the last two weeks. These last few days are some of the best.  It is important to note that you cannot have the norming without the “storming,” or even the “forming.” Group dymanics is a cool process to watch unfold.

The Staff Is What Makes High Rocks

I tell parents that it’s not even fair sometimes.  You can never be as cool as our staff. One of the key reasons all this works is because our camp staff is admired so much by these boys. It gives the staff a precise advantage to handle all that comes their way because the boys want to stay on their good side.  Adult mentors are an important part of every child’s life.  The important part to remember is that these mentors cannot be their parents. It’s that need to impress and desire to please these mentors that make it work.  It’s also the kind heart and the ability to expect a lot that adds to that dynamic. It’s a funny dynamic, but it sure is a whole lot more than soccer balls and canoes…  


Age Groups Evening Program

Mud Pit!!!

Tonight everyone headed down to the mud pit for some good old fashion choas.  I am pretty sure you can’t (don’t want to) do this at home.  The mud pit event will be featured in tomorrows pictures.  Once they are edited, I will get them up mid-day.


Some rain is going to fall, but it is not slowing us down! Stay tuned for all the end of session fun!  Thanks again for trusting us with your boys!
