Tie-Dye Tuesday

While we commiserate with our coastal brethren as Tropical Storm Debby cruises up the east coast, here in the mountains that meant today was cool, cloudy, and with a wonderful breeze all day. Camp was feeling it too as the bell rang and the day began its typical hustle and bustle.

Not long after the wake-up bell, two groups of guys arrived for an early breakfast before heading out of camp on all-day trips. One crew was bound for the Green River and about six miles of fun and rocky whitewater. It is an excellent chance for our boaters to develop their skills in catching eddies, ferrying, and communicating with their partners in a time sensitive manner! Whew did those guys look whupped when they made it back for dinner this evening, and clearly feeling proud of themselves as well.

The second group were not heading to the depths of a gorge, but to the base of Pilot Rock. An impressive rock face in Pisgah Forest that has great routes for our guys’ skill levels, it also has HUGE views as our climbers top out. Lots of exhilaration, and plenty of adrenaline to boot as the guys get a chance to pause and take in the scenery. The dry day and cool breeze made their efforts even more enjoyable. Lots of stories were making their way through the crowd at dinner this evening.

Just after breakfast, a mountain biking trip popped over to Dupont for a solid pedal to Wintergreen Falls and back. As always on that stretch, berries are discovered and impromptu breaks are taken to enjoy the find most thoroughly. This afternoon, our hikers summited Rich Mountain for another perspective on big mountain views with those same cool breezes whipping at them up on top of the tallest mountain near camp.

In camp, campers were busy. Connestee had their crack at the high ropes course and jumped all over the opportunity. Potters were glazing their finished pieces in preparation for firing as early as this evening. Climbers were looking comfortable on the tower, surprisingly comfortable/chill in some of the photos from today! All day the sailors were taking advantage of the steadiest breeze all session. It became a common sight to see the boats whipping back and forth across the lake, accompanied by big smiles and the occasionally startled look as a boat capsized. It was a good day to be a sailor!

Horsing Around

At the barn, horseback riders had several different events going. There was pony painting with well-thought out motifs inevitably turning into hand print modern art. Some guys were practicing their trotting skills and others engaged in a relay race while weaving around poles and back. We also had a visit from our farrier and curious guys got to see horses getting trimmed or shoed. “Satisfying.” was the efficient description offered up by one young observer.


Age Groups Evening Program

This evening remained gorgeous and rapidly developed a wicked sunset to top off an excellent camp day. It was mountain living at its summer finest. Age Group 2 got to celebrate by grabbing an early dinner before heading out on their Chill Night, the last of the summer! Age Group 1 had their own chilly evening with some rope swing and water slide fun slowly turning them into breezy ice cubes. Age Group 3 was on the tennis courts working up a sweat while Age Group 4 also kept it cool in lake with canoe fill-ups. Age Group 5 was in the gym hurling dodgeballs at each other, always somewhat cathartic at this stage of a session!

Tonight we have a fun group of pictures and the video highlights from the first week of the session. Please enjoy both, have a wonderful evening, and we will see you back here tomorrow night!

Woody Noland