High Rocks Alumni Spotlight: Stephanie (Vlasis) Nichols

Welcome to our Alumni Spotlight series! We’re excited to highlight our alumni through the years. If you or someone you know would make a great feature, email Darby at [email protected]—we’d love to hear from you!

Today we are spotlighting former High Rocks staff member Stephanie (Vlasis) Nichols. Steph worked at camp from 2013 – 2015 and has since helped out with various programs here. She started as a Horseback Riding Instructor and then became our Office Manager. Now, Steph works as a Civilian Attorney for the U.S. Navy in Knoxville, TN. Keep reading to hear more about Steph’s time at High Rocks and what she has taken away from it.

What do you miss most about camp?

In equal parts, the sense of community created by the joyful chorus of voices during mealtimes and camp-wide activities, as well as the quieter off-season moments that allow for more personal, meaningful connections with Camp.

What is one of your favorite Camp High Rocks memories?

One?! Impossible. It’s a good thing there is a character limit—

  • The countless, tear-inducing laughs shared in the barn’s tack room, in the kitchen, at House on the Hill, and in the office.
  • The feeling of excited anticipation waiting for campers to arrive that fills the air the night before every opening day of the season.
  • The beautiful wedding of dear friends by the lake.
  • Our unforgettable engagement by the fishing docks.
  • Teaching line dancing lessons to the staff and campers.
  • Fall programming and getting to see the impact Camp had on students who got to experience High Rocks in a completely different way.

What advice would you give an incoming staff or camper?

Trust that this is about to be the best, most memorable experience of your life.


(If you look closely in the middle picture, you will notice another alumni, William Foreman, is next to Steph! Click to read William Foreman’s Alumni Spotlight blog post.)

How has your time at Camp High Rocks impacted choices you have made in your life?

High Rocks has profoundly impacted my life in ways that are hard to put into words. The confidence I gained from incredible mentors and the value of contributing to a hardworking team have shaped me into a better attorney. The skills I picked up from camp — adapting to a variety of challenges and getting to work with amazing, diverse personalities—guided my decision to pursue a career where collaboration and problem-solving are key. Beyond my professional path, camp taught me the importance of community and mentorship, which has led me to seek out roles and relationships that align with those values. These experiences have not only influenced my career choices but also the way I approach life, making me more intentional about the environments I choose to be a part of and the impact I want to have.

What are one or two of your proudest moments post camp that your time at High Rocks played a role in?

One of my proudest moments post-camp was getting to watch my brother have his own unique experiences at High Rocks as both a camper and a counselor. Seeing how deeply the camp impacted him, just as it had me, was incredibly rewarding.

How did camp make you be brave?

Let me just say, the first day of lead teaching kiddos on horseback in the “big ring” (or any time High Rocks’ incredibly talented horseback riding alumni were observing classes) makes law school’s Socratic method look like a cake walk!

Thank you Steph for your thoughtful responses and reflections!

If you know someone that would be a great Alumni Spotlight, please have them email Darby at [email protected]