Square Dance Saturday

It sure is nice to have everyone back in camp on Saturday.  After a busy week of trips, there are some boys you have not seen for several days in a row. Most activities were running normally with a few added twists here and there.

The weather was the best yet! A nice high-pressure day with lots of sun, breeze, and low humidity.  It was warm and wonderful on the lake, while the breeze kept the athletic areas reasonably cool.

Hiking enjoyed some car camping days.  Picture a drive-in campground and you probably have the idea.  Lawn games, music, a hillbilly hot tub (pick-up filled with water), and smores around the fire. Add a little music, and it was just nice to be around each other. 

Fishing enjoyed having our local Bass Master, Jason Karol out to teach the boys today. They always get excited when he is here. Not that the daily staff are not teaching them skills, but some of the boys have grown close to Jason over the years. Some boys were even asking at breakfast if he was coming today. We are glad to have him! He always has a new skill for the guys to learn.

Just Plain Fun

Sometimes we just enjoy our time together.  Camp is about community, adventure, leadership, and indipendence.  But a lot of times it’s just plain fun!


Tonight's Event: Square Dance with Keystone Girls

Oh what a night!

The big event tonight was the square dance! All the groups have practiced some classic square dance moves in groups of four.  We also learned the Virginia Reel. Finally, we laerned several line dances to som modern songs that the girls will already know.  

The boys did me proud.  They dressed up, they acted like gentleman (mostly), and they had a ton of fun! While it is a little bit of a stretch for the younger guys, the older guys are just as nervous.  As I mentioned to them the last two nights, “this all takes practice.”  It will become more enjoyable after we experience it a few times. Out confidence will increase, our skills will get better.  It’s not unlike learning any of our other activities.  And, like most of what we do here, there is a big tranference to real-life senarios.  

I put up a couple of shots. Kelyn, our photographer, will process the rest and you will have some more to see tomorrow.

thanks for tuning in tonight!

Don Gentle