Sundays are for Rest

We love Sundays at High Rocks! They are typically a little more chill than the rest of the week.  We wake up a little later, and the morning is at a much slower pace. However, that slower pace does include getting our laundry up to breakfast in the morning.  It doesn’t sound like a huge deal, but getting all of the laundry together, and then traveling to the dining hall in three large bags per cabin. It can be a lot.  It is certainly teaching some self-reliance, teamwork, and even some responsibility for our actions.  Nonetheless, it went smoothly without too much effort. Our laundry efforts were rewarded with scratch-made cinnamon rolls for breakfast!  What a treat! Not to worry, we rounded breakfast out with some oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and a fruit bar.

After some time at assembly, we gathered for our Sunday morning reflective time by the lake.  Zoob went over some ideas about how we perceive the world around us.  If we are looking for the “bad” we will cetainly find it. And if we are looking for the “good” we will find that as well.  No human is perfect but it is pretty easy to see the good in a lot.  Zoob did a great job of tying it together with the High Rocks community, activities, and day-to-day life at camp. I feel like summer camp at High Rocks is a perfect place to work on this topic.  Learning some empathy, respect, and understanding is all part of what is happening around these boys every day.

The rest of the morning was presented with all sorts of choice period activities and events.  It was the perfect Sunday morning to do just about whatever you wanted. Guys were playing disc golf, swimming, canoeing, some games of gaga and four square happening, tennis, and even some archery by invitation.  One counselor was leading a yoga session. I also enjoyed guys just relaxing in the chair down by the lake with a book. Even some good games of ping pong and foosball at the pavilion.


The Big Event: Quest for High-Roxia!

A Medievil Themed Event of Fun and Excitement

Starting with a Royal Banquest hosted by the King and Queen (Don and Zoob), the boys got super-excited about some fun events that would save the kingdom from Sir Grendel (Woody).  The events included all sorts of camp activities where the boys could earn gold coins to help pay off the evil beast. 

The pictures tell the story or ogers, wizards, beasts and feats. 


The Evening

Much Needed Rain

While I don’t say this much, it was nice to see a little rain come through.  It’s not uncommon for us to get an inch of rain in a hour around here.  The early evening storm brought us a healthy does of over two inches in the two plus hours of rain.  It cooled things down, helped all the flowers, and allowed a good soaking.  See what I did there???  The good is everywhere. It did mean we had a shortened afternoon event, and campfire tonight was in the lodge, but we all had a great time.

We are off to another exciting week ahead.  Stay Tuned!  
