Living The Camp Life

Today’s Pictures It’s almost not fair to others how much fun we are having.  Life at camp feels like home. I have enjoyed watching the boys finding their way, having fun, and mostly enjoying being around each other. While it is not “life after COViD” quite yet, we are certainly doing our best and that… Continue reading Living The Camp Life

Good Morning High Rocks

I love the excitement of the first morning of camp. That first wake-up bell of the season is always a wonderful sound.  We typically add a little flair in the morning after the bell rings.  Sometimes we play a little revelry, but mostly it is an exuberant yell from the diaphragm that excites the boys… Continue reading Good Morning High Rocks

It’s About Time!

Will Miss Him

It sure has been nice to see little light at the end of the tunnel as 2021 moves forward to a little more normalcy every week. We are most excited about having everyone back at camp this summer.  As we move into another season and look forward to an exciting 2021, we are sad to… Continue reading Will Miss Him