It Just Keeps Getting Better

This morning I enjoyed watching the guys roll in from the woods after their overnights.  The stories of the “grit” these overnights teach us are always enjoyable.  They even create the best memories.  I enjoy hearing about how late they stayed up, who ate the most pita pizzas, or even how bad the sleeping conditions… Continue reading It Just Keeps Getting Better

Waikiki Wednesday

It was a delightful morning here on the mountain.  Life at 3000 feet has its advantages. The blue sky stayed with us all day.  The morning breeze picked up as the temperature began to change. It made for a welcoming morning. While it was warm today, we still save a few degrees from Brevard which… Continue reading Waikiki Wednesday

Off To a Great Start!

I think the first full day of camp is one of my favorites.  The boys have had a little time to be comfortable, but there is still a lot of excitement in the air.  They typically wake up early. As in WAY before the wake-up bell.  The first cabin clean-up takes a little longer as… Continue reading Off To a Great Start!

Welcome Two Week Campers

I love opening day! For me, I am just as excited to see the parents as I am to see the campers. It sure was a wonderful morning. I call it “brochure” weather or a “Chamber Day.” It’s where the weather is nearly perfect and the scene is amazing. A light breeze, sunshine, blue skies… Continue reading Welcome Two Week Campers

End Game and Final Campfire

It was a wonderful finish to our July session today. We kicked off the day with our advanced horseback riders giving us a drill team show in the big ring.  The next big event was the final match of the counselor-camper tennis match. The final two camper-counselor pairs matched off while several campers and staff… Continue reading End Game and Final Campfire

Upper Senior Dinner and Cabin Night

What a full day of fun!  We still had boys out on trips in several activities including paddling, climbing, and hiking. Some of the boys today just made it into kayaking, and a number of boys just reached their highest rank, the High Rocks Archer, in archery. We even had our last launch day this morning… Continue reading Upper Senior Dinner and Cabin Night

Not Far Now…

It is getting close now! The boys are trying to get that last adventure out of the session before time runs out. We still have the horseback riding “Drill Team” presentation and the final round of the camper-counselor tennis tournament. These are just a few of the last morsels of goodness we are still reaching… Continue reading Not Far Now…

Five Days To Go?

The Canadian wildfire smoke created a little haze that created a cool effect as the sun came up this morning. It was quite a delight. Today we were back out on trips and enjoying the fruits of their labor over these last few weeks. The boys are working hard and having a blast. Climbing, paddling,… Continue reading Five Days To Go?

Upper Senior Challenge and Zombie Apocolypse

Sundays are special here at High Rocks.  We want to be sure the boys have some time for reflection and to change it up a little bit.  Rest is important.  We give the boys an extra thirty minutes to sleep in on Sundays and we also share some important lessons down by the lake. Today was a… Continue reading Upper Senior Challenge and Zombie Apocolypse

Last Saturday

Wow! What a beautiful day!  Blue skies with just enough clouds to make it pretty.  I love Saturday mornings because it is one of the few mornings we do not have an executive team meeting.  It allows me to enjoy the morning a little bit more. Hiking enjoyed some car camping days.  Picture a drive-in… Continue reading Last Saturday

Watch The Story Unfold

Another action-packed day here at Camp High Rocks! The first thing I heard as I made my way out to enjoy the peace of camp with my dogs was the beginning of the “mini men” returning from their adventure in the woods. The Hillside boys were the first back at around 7:15 am this morning!… Continue reading Watch The Story Unfold

Waikiki Wednesday

Another Waikiki Wednesday was upon us.  Many of the boys broke out their favorite Hawaiian-style shirts and took part in the fun! Our Mini II boys were tearing it up in their second full day of activities. It was a beautiful day.  We enjoyed the slightly cooler weather and sun throughout the day! First Time… Continue reading Waikiki Wednesday