
Camp High Rocks Blog

I want to welcome all our Mini II families to our nightly gathering and give you some information about what to expect ahead. Some nights will have more than others, but my hope is to give you a sense of what we did today and maybe (probably) some lessons along the way.  It is so great to have you withRead More »
Another fantastic Sunday at camp.  We kicked the day off with some self-reliance of getting all of your cabin's laundry bagged up and loaded in the van before breakfast. Not a small task for a group of adolescent boys. After a wonderful breakfast, and a little music, Zoob lead our morning by the lake with a talk about understanding yourselfRead More »
What a perfect day to say goodbye to our Mini I guys. It seems like they just got here yesterday. We had a big send-off at assembly this morning while all the boys cheered for our Mini I guys as they made the most of their last morning.  The morning drop-off went very smooth and even some older brothers gotRead More »
Camp is a Blast! This morning was a cloudy and cool start to the camp day which made for a delightful breaking of our fasts over eggs, oatmeal coffee cake, fruit, and more.  Assembly was quick to get underway this morning and proceeded to jam on many of the favorite tunes our people clamor for. “Cheeseburger in Paradise” and anyRead More »
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the tropical system moved past us overnight.  While we had a touch of rain this morning, it turned out to be a typical summer day here at The Rocks.  We did need a little rain, so the overnight pouring was perfect!  Trips out of camp again today were varied once again. We hadRead More »
Wednesday had a big start once again this morning.  We had a climbing trip head out early again.  Two different groups hit the French Broad in canoes today. Mountain biking hit DuPont.  And, we had a day hike up Rick Mountain.  The boys are certainly hitting their groove. Life at High Rocks is about being present in the moment andRead More »
I am sure it will rain soon, but the last couple of days have been pure heaven up here at the High Rocks!  Once again today, the sun was shining, and the breeze was blowing just enough to keep the sailboats moving. The tripping program was in full force today! We had boys heading to Looking Glass for rock climbing.  TheyRead More »
Boys Camp Climbing Tower
After all the excitement yesterday, it was almost calming to start a "normal" day.  On my way up to the early "meeting of the minds." I enjoyed the peacefulness of camp that many do not see.  Still quiet, the morning mist rising as the sun warms the land... A wonderful blue sky as the sun burned through the trees.  ItRead More »
Today started with a bang, or should I say a guitar.  Jimmy Hendrix belted out the Star Spangled Banner for wake-up.  It has been a tradition for a number of years here at High Rocks. It was a fun treat for the boys coming back fresh from their cabin overnights. When I say fresh, it is sort of a marshmallow and pizza sauceRead More »
Our first week was a little different this year if you were a returning camper.  The boys rotated with their cabin having an opportunity at ALL the activities three different times this week. While it probably not what they expected, it certainly turned out to be a worthwhile event.  WE felt it was important to use this model to beRead More »
As we close out the first week of the session, this morning was a gray, drizzly affair. I don’t know about you, but anytime the first sound I hear in the morning is rainfall, I’m never in a hurry to get out of bed. That seemed to be the prevailing mood around camp at the wake-up bell. Typically the ringingRead More »
It sure was another wonderful day here at “The Rocks.”  I have been a little busy lately putting some final touches on our ACA Accreditation.  This is a once every five-year event that requires a lot of upfront work in regards to written documentation and procedures.  All of this is already in place, but it a lot to gather toRead More »
I know I say it a lot, but I really enjoy the morning at High Rocks. I start my day typically just past 6 am. My dog Barley and the coffee pot are typically my first two interactions of the day. I enjoy sitting on the deck listening to the peace while Barley enjoys his morning rub. He typically settlesRead More »
Our morning started with a little light rain while we headed into breakfast. A little rain in the mountains must fall, and morning rain is actually quite wonderful. We were greeted inside the dining hall with homemade cinnamon toast, scrambled eggs, sausage links, fresh berries, and assorted cereals. Our first morning assembly of the session is always a wonderful event.Read More »
It was so incredible to see so many old and new friends today.  I feel like it was a family reunion of sorts.  The best was also all our “new friends” we visited with today.  After months on the phone, Zoom sessions, informational videos, tons of correspondence, and then that final 1.3 miles up the camp road!  It was pureRead More »
We went all out until the last minute! We still had three trips out of camp this morning! I took the opportunity to join some of the youngest guys on a short kayak float trip! We had so much fun! I really enjoyed watching and helping these guys down the river! It’s hard to believe that three weeks have alreadyRead More »
I have enjoyed watching these boys learn and grow, enjoy each other company,  appreciate the differences, and have a blast! Their three weeks at camp have allowed them to forget about their phone, t.v., game console, and even the news.  A little separation from the day-to-day chaos of school, grades, tests, competition, and the past year sure can be aRead More »
We are definitely in the “norming” part of our group process here at camp. The boys have learned how to work together, accept differences, and even realize that from time to time we all need help. Leaders are not always out in front, sometimes they need to let others earn their wings.  These boys surprise me every day with theirRead More »
It was off to the races and back in action again this morning with a number of trips out of camp.  In the pictures today, you may notice your son in a new activity.  We have given the opportunity for the boys to pick different activities or stay in the same if they would like.  Another COVID alternative, but theRead More »
Another fantastic Sunday here at High Rocks!  After a much-needed sleep-in, the boys worked hard to get their laundry up to the lot before breakfast. We had a great meal, then a little bounce-around time in assembly before service.  Both took place in the gym as the tropical weather moved through.  Zoob led our morning service using some details fromRead More »
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