Camp High Rocks Blog

Jersday Thursday Today was our last full day of activities.  We still had a couple of trips out today.  Hiking took a morning trip to Dupont for another waterfall hike.  The rock climbers were out for another trip to the High Rocks. It was a little bit of a crazy weather day with that tropical depression lingering to the east. Read More »
Waikiki Wednesday Again! It sure was another great morning here at High Rocks! The cool 64 degrees this morning was a delight! I made it up to our morning meeting only to find scratch-made biscuits being made! A little biscuit, a little jam, add some coffee. Suddenly a 7:30 am meeting doesn’t seem too bad. I got a couple ofRead More »
Tie-Dye Tuesday While we commiserate with our coastal brethren as Tropical Storm Debby cruises up the east coast, here in the mountains that meant today was cool, cloudy, and with a wonderful breeze all day. Camp was feeling it too as the bell rang and the day began its typical hustle and bustle.Not long after the wake-up bell, two groupsRead More »
Not Even Fair It sure was a fantastic day here at Camp High Rocks!  The partly cloudy skies, reasonable temperatures, and plenty of awesome things to do sure helped a lot!  Speaking of awesome things going on, I was privileged enough to be able to lead a mountain bike trip this morning.  What a great group of riders. We have theRead More »
Carnival Sunday Sundays are special here at High Rocks.  We want to be sure the boys have some time for reflection and to change it up a little bit.  Rest is important.  We give the boys an extra thirty minutes to sleep in on Sundays and we also share some important lessons down by the lake. Today was a perfect Sunday morning!Read More »
Its All About The Kids The weather was near perfect up here with temperatures at just around 82 degrees for the hot part of the day. There was a light breeze with mostly to partly cloudy skies.  Western North Carolina was meant for summer camp! We are also situated right at 3000 feet, which gives us even a little moreRead More »
End of a Good Week As we cruise into the weekend of the session, the sounds of camp in full swing have normalized delightfully into the daily cacophony of fun that we associate with the place. There is a steady hum of noise and energy about camp that just feels right!At the end of the “work week”, our campers haveRead More »
Jersday Thursday Anther theme day at High Rocks!  This is a bit of a stretch, but still pretty cool. "Jersday Thursday" is all about wearing your favorite jersey today.  Boy do they look good! It ws fun to see so many jerseys out there today.The boys are beginning to figure out the high-energy camp day. They even looked a littleRead More »
Waikiki Wednesday It sure was fun seeing everyone roll into breakfast with their Hawaiian themed shirts on today! it's my favorite day!  I think it looks so cool! It was another fantastic day at High Rocks!  It was so great to see these boys in their activities today. They are so excited. I really enjoyed watching these guys making it toRead More »
Full Steam Ahead Today dawned cool with a light breeze coming across the lake to welcome camp to the day. The kind of morning that makes guys snuggle deeper in their blankets and squeeze an extra minute or two before emerging… But this is the 2 Week and when that morning bell rang, more than 300 camper feet hit theRead More »
Welcome August Two Week Families It sure was a wonderful opening day of the season! I certainly enjoy meeting new families and reconnecting with so many of the boys that come back year after year. It was fantastic to jump into the session with such a fantastic group of boys.I am so excited to share the wonder of what weRead More »
Drill Team, End Game, Final Campfire I can’t believe it has been four weeks already! OK, just two weeks for a few folks. There was no rest today as we blasted out the last day of the session with gusto!  What an incredible group of young men.  We played hard, we laughed hard, we cried a little, and we evenRead More »
Upper Senior Dinner and Cabin Night It’s hard to believe that today was the last full day of activities. It was another wonderful day with fairly warm temperatures that kept most of us on the lake, particularly this afternoon.  It still looked like another day at camp out there.. Some boys were still heading out on trips including paddling andRead More »
You Can't Do This at Home It is that time of the session when everyone is trying to squeeze out that last bit of joy from camp.  You can see it in the activities, the cabin, and even during the evening program.  The boys know the time is drawing near and there are only a few days left.  This timeRead More »
Savor the Moment In what has become a common trend towards the latter part of this session, the morning began cool with some clouds in the sky. A light breeze was blowing that made that second blanket on the bunks seem very appealing! The bell rang, chores commenced, and hordes arrived for a breakfast of eggs, cream of wheat, cinnamonRead More »
No One wants it to End! Mondays always start with a lot of excitement.  We had 5 trips out of camp AND another group on the ropes course today.  Hiking headed out to High Pisgah late morning.  By the time we dropped them off it was almost midday and it was still 68 degrees outside.  They will hnag at some higherRead More »
We Love Sunday! Another fantastic Sunday here at High Rocks! After a much-needed sleep-in, the boys worked hard to get their laundry up to the lot before breakfast. We enjoyed some of those scratch-made cinnamon rolls from Nate and the kitchen crew accompanied by scrambled eggs, oatmeal, fresh-cut fruit, yogurt, and assorted cereals. We had a great meal, then aRead More »
it's All About This Place I made a point of being out in camp as much as I could tday It’s not that I don’t get out on a regular basis, but today, I made a point of being out in camp all day.  I enjoyed the assembly this morning.  I think everyone needs to start their day with some stretching,Read More »
Fridays are the Best It is pretty universal that Fridays are going to be a good day. Fridays at camp, however, are a step up in that you have a whole day of activities and trips, you are surrounded by people you know well, and you are heading into the weekend where the schedule changes up with dances, campfire, UpperRead More »
Good Morning High Rocks I was super excited to get up to the dining hall this morning. While I typically make it up there fairly early for our daily meeting, I wanted to be sure I caught some of the mini guys coming in from their cabin overnights. As luck would have it, I was even able to catch aRead More »
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