Camp High Rocks Blog

This tie-died Tuesday was fairly clear, with just a touch of high level haze coming from up north. The bell rang out, camp flowed to breakfast where cinnamon toast always makes the morning seem a bit special. The assembly that had the typical rowdy songs, and some that pulled lightly at the heart strings as you can see in theRead More »
The Canadian wildfire smoke created a little haze that created a cool effect as the sun came up this morning. It was quite a delight. Today we were back out on trips and enjoying the fruits of their labor over these last few weeks. The boys are working hard and having a blast. Climbing, paddling, and mountain biking has tripsRead More »
Sundays are special here at High Rocks.  We want to be sure the boys have some time for reflection and to change it up a little bit.  Rest is important.  We give the boys an extra thirty minutes to sleep in on Sundays and we also share some important lessons down by the lake. Today was a perfect Sunday morning! Our firstRead More »
Wow! What a beautiful day!  Blue skies with just enough clouds to make it pretty.  I love Saturday mornings because it is one of the few mornings we do not have an executive team meeting.  It allows me to enjoy the morning a little bit more. Hiking enjoyed some car camping days.  Picture a drive-in campground and you probably haveRead More »
It was notable this morning, walking to the dining hall for an early meeting. The day was already warm (low 70's) and the sky clear, which indicated a day approaching mountain hot, with the chance of a thunderstorm as the heat builds throughout the morning. Breakfast was busy with trips eating early as per usual and the rest of campRead More »
Boys Camp Horeback Riding
Another action-packed day here at Camp High Rocks! The first thing I heard as I made my way out to enjoy the peace of camp with my dogs was the beginning of the "mini men" returning from their adventure in the woods. The Hillside boys were the first back at around 7:15 am this morning! Biscuit was certainly excited aboutRead More »
Another Waikiki Wednesday was upon us.  Many of the boys broke out their favorite Hawaiian-style shirts and took part in the fun! Our Mini II boys were tearing it up in their second full day of activities. It was a beautiful day.  We enjoyed the slightly cooler weather and sun throughout the day! First Time Parents, the first letters fromRead More »
Tie-Dye Taco Tuesday is always a good day to be at camp. So the beautiful cool start to the morning matched to the bluebird skies was just a handy bonus. And a perfect way to welcome our freshly arrived Mini guys to their first full camp day! Breakfast consisted of cereals, coffee cake, sausages, boiled eggs, yogurt/fruit, and grits soRead More »
I want to welcome all our Mini II families to our nightly gathering and give you some information about what to expect ahead. Some nights will have more than others, but my hope is to give you a sense of what we did today and maybe (probably) some lessons along the way.  It is so great to have you withRead More »
Boys Camp Skit Night
A perfect Sunday for our four-week boys to ease into the day and take a breather for a bit. Breakfast kicked off with scratch-made cinnamon rolls! I watched them roll out right on the table, head to the proofer, the oven, and finally the glazing! Super awesome! Of course, it was combined with assorted cereals, scrambled eggs, sausage, oatmeal, andRead More »
It was a perfect morning to say goodbye to our Mini I campers and parents. We wrapped up assembly with a big send-off as they all made their way back to their cabins. Zoob and I were able to greet every family as they arrived. The boys were excited to see their parents but didn't want to leave. I wasRead More »
In what is becoming a normal pattern this July, the morning was bright, clear, and lightly cool at the wakeup bell. Cinnamon toast, oatmeal, fruit, cereal, eggs, and sausage launched us into our day and camp was off! A Green river trip was first out the door with a mixed group of canoers and new kayakers. Mountain bikers were notRead More »
Today was another busy one with all sorts of excitement. The weather has been steady in the low 80s for most of the week. It’s warm enough to want to swim and not too hot to feel awful when the activity is a little more intense. Today we had a two-day climb head out to a cool area in Virginia.Read More »
After a day like yesterday, with such extravagant displays of patriotic enthusiasms from dawn to dusk, it was no surprise that this morning began on a quieter note... It could hardly have done otherwise, but begin it did with biscuits, sausage, eggs, grits, fruits, and a comfort in restored routine. Though a calm day by camp standards, it still includedRead More »
Today started with a bang, or should I say a guitar.  Jimmy Hendrix belted out the Star Spangled Banner for wake-up.  It has been a tradition for a number of years here at High Rocks. It was a fun treat for the boys coming back fresh from their cabin overnights. When I say fresh, it is sort of a marshmallow and pizza sauceRead More »
Mondays always start with a bang.  It’s like the beginning of a horse race as all these “trip-eager” boys who were all stuck on our 1000-acre facility all weekend feel like they need to get out and do something. I know, it sounds awful being “stuck” here!  Anyhow, we tend to have all sorts of boys heading out on tripsRead More »
Sundays are special here at High Rocks.  We want to be sure the boys have some time for reflection and to change it up a little bit.  Rest is important.  We give the boys an extra thirty minutes to sleep in on Sundays and we also share some important lessons down by the lake. Today was a perfect Sunday morning! Our firstRead More »
I love Saturdays at High Rocks!  In the 29 (now my 30th) summers I have been here, there have always been pancakes on Saturday. It’s just what we do.  Our Chef Lee makes the recipe in one of those giant Hobart floor mixers and always uses real eggs and real buttermilk.  It does make a difference.  It was a wonderfulRead More »
It is hard to believe that its already Friday of the session’s first week. It is typically about this time that campers have acquired both their sea-legs and the routine. The acceleration into camp life is a blast and a challenge at the same time. Few of our guys come into a session living at the pace that camp moves!Read More »
Another great day here at The Rocks! We had the usual early climbers up this morning to head out to Pilot Rock. They even helped out with the bell ringing this morning. We also had two young Mini camper groups of paddlers hit some moving water for the first time. Finally, the mountain bikers took a quick trip with someRead More »
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