Camp High Rocks Blog

Here’s to another wonderful session and a great June!  When you meet up with your son tomorrow, I can’t guarantee he will have all the paint from the end game washed off. And given the rain, even after some last-minute laundry, it is likely that everything is wet. What I can tell you is that he has had a great timeRead More »
It sure has been a crazy few days. As a camp director, it is these days that help challenge us to bring the best. We took the weather in stride, adjusted a few events to create some fun, and just embraced being at camp. We still had a couple of trips out today. In camp, we added some more opportunitiesRead More »
After all those days of crystal clear weather, today reminded us that we indeed live on the edge of a temperate rain forest. The bell rang true through the early downpour and the lure of hot breakfast was strong as camp gathered for eggs, sausage, coffee cake, and some of the best grits I remember recently. Down to the gymRead More »
It's nice to see everyone back into the groove as we begin the last week of the session. There we a few trips out today with a bunch more headed out tomorrow. These last few days of the session always bring out some excitement as many boys are working on their skills. Paddling and shooting sports tend to be someRead More »
It was another fantastic Sunday here at High Rocks!  After a much-needed sleep-in, the boys worked hard to get their laundry up to the lot before breakfast. We had a great meal including scratch-made cinnamon rolls, then a little bounce-around time in assembly before heading down to the lake for our morning service. You will see that assembly was a high-energyRead More »
First, let me apologize for the lack of pictures last night. An error stopped the upload process and since things were moving so smoothly, I had forgotten to check to be sure all was good. Anyhow, I was finally alerted about the issue and I had them all uploaded by mid-morning. Don't forget to check them out. Saturday morning atRead More »
Though breezy and cool this morning in what has become the norm, the day felt like it was heating up quickly. The routine clicked into place as soon as that bell tolled. It is amazing the feel of the place when everyone knows what their roles are in different parts of the day, and how to do them! Heading intoRead More »
Life is good on the mountain!  Not only do we enjoy all the wonderful views, cool mornings, a passing shower, and even wonderful sunsets.  Mountain life has many advantages. Especially, life at 3000 feet.  This morning it was a cool 50 degrees.  We got to about 75 degrees today.  While that may seem cool to some of you, it isRead More »
It was another mountain morning up t High Rocks! Life at 3000 feet sure feels different.  I really enjoy the cool mornings. I think it makes it feel like camp.  Put on a cozy sweatshirt and by the end of breakfast, it's down to the tee shirt.  Really, the June session campers get the best of it.  I feel likeRead More »
With another cool morning to kick off our camp day, the weather luck keeps rolling as the bell brought camp alive. Blue skies with very few wispy clouds were overhead and a tasty breakfast awaited the hungry camp horde as it rolled in. Don and I were commenting today at how natural a place we find the dining hall inRead More »
Our Monday started off with a bang as climbing, paddling, and mountain biking had trips out the door early this morning. After a nice rain late last night, the blue skies and wonderful breeze all day long made for a great start to the week! Crafts moved from rockets to tie-dye.  I feel like they even wrapped that up todayRead More »
I love Sunday mornings at High Rocks! This morning was a particularly wonderful morning. A cool breeze, sun, and I get to sleep in a little bit later than 6:30 am.  Although I still woke up early, it felt a little more restful since I did not have to rush off to my morning meeting and the wake-up bell comesRead More »
This particular Saturday had all sorts of good stuff going on.  Each activity pulled out some of the most awesome Saturday events today.  It was really incredible to see all the learning, laughing, and even some launching!!! (See what I did there :)). The day started out at a chilly 47 degrees! You will see a lot of sweatshirts inRead More »
  Our first Friday of the year began with a chilly breeze and loud bell ringing to welcome in the day. Now that camp is settling comfortably into a rhythm, campers were up and making beds, cleaning their cabins, and racing to breakfast. While talking about the day's events to come, the crew enjoyed cinnamon toast, sausages, eggs, fruits, and cerealsRead More »
Just another beautiful day at High Rocks!  We are enjoying some amazing high-pressure days with cool mornings, and afternoons just warm enough to be excited about some swimming.  The activities looked amazing today too.  The pictures tell the story of how much fun we are having!  It really was quite magical! I know many of the parents are wondering how everyoneRead More »
This morning I enjoyed watching the guys roll in from the woods after their overnights.  The stories of the “grit” these overnights teach us are always enjoyable.  They even create the best memories.  I enjoy hearing about how late they stayed up, who ate the most pita pizzas, or even how bad the sleeping conditions were last night.  While youRead More »
I sure do like waking up at Camp High Rocks!  The calm before the storm is delightful. Our day starts early at the Camp House. My two girls are finishing up high school exams.  They actually did a hybrid day with the morning at the barn and the afternoon at school.  Not too bad, but they would like the yearRead More »
I enjoyed the first glance of the lake this morning in a bit of a mountain fog as it slowly lifted into the sky.  Not too far behind was the first wake-up bell of the season.  It is almost always followed by a primal “Good Morning High Rocks” that echoes through the hills. Soon after, camp comes alive. The firstRead More »
And just like that, Camp High Rocks is off and running just like it never stopped. June Opening Day is like no other.  I like to say it's like waiting for the winter ice to break.  We have worked for months and months to prepare for this day.  Like a big Broadway show, we work on our roles, build theRead More »
Camp is JUST around the corner. The countdown is on! We are 50 Days away from the start of our June Three Week Session. There are so many moments we are looking forward to we had to make a list! There is no way we could cover everything in just 50 moments. And we know our campers this summer willRead More »
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