Wildlife Wednesday

Independence Day!

Today started with a bang, or should I say a guitar.  Jimmy Hendrix belted out the Star Spangled Banner for wake-up.  It has been a tradition for a number of years here at High Rocks. It was a fun treat for the boys coming back fresh from their cabin overnights. When I say fresh, it is sort… Continue reading Independence Day!

Still Crushing It!

Mondays always start with a bang.  It’s like the beginning of a horse race as all these “trip-eager” boys who were all stuck on our 1000-acre facility all weekend feel like they need to get out and do something. I know, it sounds awful being “stuck” here!  Anyhow, we tend to have all sorts of… Continue reading Still Crushing It!

Goldrush Sunday

Sundays are special here at High Rocks.  We want to be sure the boys have some time for reflection and to change it up a little bit.  Rest is important.  We give the boys an extra thirty minutes to sleep in on Sundays and we also share some important lessons down by the lake. Today was a… Continue reading Goldrush Sunday

Pancake Saturday

I love Saturdays at High Rocks!  In the 29 (now my 30th) summers I have been here, there have always been pancakes on Saturday. It’s just what we do.  Our Chef Lee makes the recipe in one of those giant Hobart floor mixers and always uses real eggs and real buttermilk.  It does make a… Continue reading Pancake Saturday

Heading into the Weekend

Watch The Magic Happen

Another great day here at The Rocks! We had the usual early climbers up this morning to head out to Pilot Rock. They even helped out with the bell ringing this morning. We also had two young Mini camper groups of paddlers hit some moving water for the first time. Finally, the mountain bikers took… Continue reading Watch The Magic Happen

Waikiki Wednesday

I know the four-week parents have heard this a bit, but I love the mornings here at High Rocks! The cool air in the 60s each morning is what does it the most. I must be honest the calm and quiet that is the morning might be a little why I like it too. In… Continue reading Waikiki Wednesday

Here Comes the Adventure!

I enjoyed hearing the first wake-up bell of the session ring this morning.  In recent years it has been immediately followed by an energetic “GOOD MORNING HIGH ROCKS.”  It’s been something of a modern tradition that has caught on over the years.  I really enjoy the mornings at camp.   I almost feel like camp should start… Continue reading Here Comes the Adventure!

Four Week and Mini I Opening Day!

I love opening day! For me, I am just as excited to see the parents as I am to see the campers. It sure was a wonderful morning. I call it “brochure” weather or a “Chamber Day.” It’s where the weather is nearly perfect and the scene is amazing. A light breeze, sunshine, blue skies… Continue reading Four Week and Mini I Opening Day!

End Game and Final Campfire

Here’s to another wonderful session and a great June!  When you meet up with your son tomorrow, I can’t guarantee he will have all the paint from the end game washed off. And given the rain, even after some last-minute laundry, it is likely that everything is wet. What I can tell you is that he… Continue reading End Game and Final Campfire

Upper Senior Dinner and Cabin Night

It sure has been a crazy few days. As a camp director, it is these days that help challenge us to bring the best. We took the weather in stride, adjusted a few events to create some fun, and just embraced being at camp. We still had a couple of trips out today. In camp,… Continue reading Upper Senior Dinner and Cabin Night